Banking details Nome conto: Friends of Thandolwethu Banca: ABSA Filiale: 632005 Numero di conto: 4095174488 Tipo di conto: cheque account Swift code: ABSAZAJJ Causale: Donazione
Bonifico bancario Covid-19 emergency
Banking detailsNome conto: Friends of ThandolwethuBanca: ABSAFiliale: 632005Numero di conto: 4095174488Tipo di conto: cheque accountSwift code: ABSAZAJJCausale: Covid-19 emergency
Bank Transfer Covid-19 emergency
Banking detailsAccount name: Friends of ThandolwethuBank: ABSABranch: 632005Account number: 4095174488Status: cheque accountSwift code: ABSAZAJJReference: Covid-19 emergency
Bank Transfer
Banking detailsAccount name: Friends of Thandolwethu Account no. 63066899114Bank: FNBBranch: 250114SWIFT code: FIRNZAJJReference: Donation
Funds raised to build township preschool

More than 40 people, including Italian Consul Emanuele Pollio, members of the local Italian community and overseas visitors, attended a fund-raiser at a Newlands restaurant in aid of a project to build a township preschool. Friends of Thandolwethu, a non-profit
Solidarity lunch at Lapo’s Kitchen on 8 September

The charming setting of Lapo’s Kitchen at the Josephine Mill, on the banks of the Liesbeek river was the stage of an unforgettable gastronomic experience Sunday the 8 September, when members of Friends of Thandolwethu NPO celebrated the first anniversary
The Reggio Emilia Approach: two days between theory and practice

Annalisa Contrafatto – The Friends of Thandolwethu NPO organised two days rich of events on the Reggio Emilia and decolonised education inspired approaches to early learning. This non-profit organisation is assisting members of the local community in setting up and
Non Profit Registation Certificate

Click here to download the PDF Certificate